EHCP Application Process
When children require more support than the school can give them using the funding we are given by the Government, we can apply for an Education Healthcare Plan (EHCP) which will release more funds that we will use to support your child.
If we feel your child requires an EHCP, we will apply for one for them. We support lots of children with EHCPs and are extremely successful at getting your child the support they need.
However, the process for doing this takes a long time, and your child will be placed in a waiting list which is based entirely on the needs of ALL the children in the school. You may well have a meeting with the SENCO where the need for an EHCP is agreed, but this does not mean the application will be made immediately. This will be explained to you at the time of the meeting, but may well change should new children join the school with more acute needs than your child has. You will be updated at all times.
You are welcome to apply for an EHCP yourself, and the information can be found using the following link. However, please do not do apply without speaking to the school first so we can support you with this - the application will be more successful if parents and school work together: