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Oakridge School & Nursery

Working together to succeed

'Working together to succeed'


Maths at Oakridge School

At Oakridge, our overarching aim is to enhance the life chances of every child. Through a rich and relevant Maths curriculum, we equip children with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to achieve their aspirations and engage with global challenges, such as environmental issues. We ensure that every child experiences Maths in a way that fosters enjoyment, builds confidence, and supports their social, emotional, and mental well-being. By exposing pupils to varied opportunities and challenges, both within and beyond the classroom, we prepare them to thrive academically, socially, and as global citizens. We follow the My Maths mastery scheme of work by Ark. 


This intent reflects our commitment to nurturing children who are confident, curious, and capable mathematicians, ready to face the future with enthusiasm and skill. Our curriculum is designed to develop mathematical fluency, encourage deep reasoning, and promote effective problem-solving—the three key aims of the KS2 Maths National Curriculum.


The Maths curriculum is rooted in the principles of Mathematics Mastery, which is underpinned by the latest educational research and aims to provide all pupils with a deep and meaningful understanding of mathematics. Through a carefully sequenced curriculum, we strive to ensure that all learners develop the fluency to recall and apply knowledge efficiently, the reasoning skills to justify their thinking, and the confidence to problem-solve in unfamiliar contexts.

Our approach to teaching Maths is guided by three core principles:

  1. Conceptual Understanding
    Pupils construct meaning and make sense of mathematical relationships by representing concepts through objects, pictures, symbols, and words. By moving between these representations and making explicit links, learners build a comprehensive conceptual framework. Lessons are sequenced to connect topics logically, with multiple representations carefully chosen to deepen understanding and create a strong foundation for future learning. This approach ensures pupils develop fluency in mathematical methods while also understanding the reasoning behind them.
  2. Language and Communication
    Mathematical language strengthens understanding and encourages reasoning. Talk is integral to every lesson, where pupils develop confidence with vocabulary, signs, and symbols through discussion, verbal reasoning, and collaborative tasks. Starting with informal language, our curriculum builds toward the precise mathematical terminology needed to succeed in the subject. Through structured questioning and discussion, pupils learn to articulate their mathematical thinking clearly.
  3. Mathematical Thinking
    Pupils are supported to think systematically, seek patterns, generalise, and develop mathematical habits of mind. Tasks encourage learners to work systematically, make conjectures, and explore their own ideas. Prompts for thinking help learners approach mathematics as creative problem-solvers, fostering a deep sense of curiosity and resilience. Pupils are regularly challenged with real-world and abstract problems, enabling them to apply their knowledge in new and unfamiliar situations.

