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Oakridge School Logo

Oakridge School & Nursery

Working together to succeed

'Working together to succeed'

Physical Education

Our physical education programme in school contributes to the overall development of pupils.  It builds on children’s enjoyment of and need for activity and movement.  It develops coordination, strength, stamina and skilfulness, promotes spatial awareness, intelligent reactions to situations and an appreciation of physical excellence.  It leads to a sense of well-being, a healthy life-style and a feeling of self-confidence.


We strive to provide a full, varied and interesting physical education curriculum which challenges, engages and excites staff and pupils alike. The curriculum includes team games, dance, gymnastics, sending & striking, athletics, swimming and strategy & tactics. We see physical education as a vital part of the education experience as a whole. The physical education curriculum ensures clear progression in the essential skills and knowledge that enables learners to incorporate safe and satisfying physical activity into their lives. The sequencing of learning means that the application of these skills is built upon throughout the key stage, ensuring that pupils are ready for the next stage of their physical development.
