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Oakridge School Logo

Oakridge School & Nursery

Working together to succeed

'Working together to succeed'

Pupil Leadership

Junior Leadership Team



Head Boy



Head Girl



Deputy Head Boy



Deputy Head Girl

Hi, my name is Abdul and I have always wanted to help my school. This is why I put myself down for the role of Head Boy in year 6. I am a kind and caring person who always tries to stay positive. One of my good qualities is that I help to create a positive environment for others and I always go above and beyond. I am really good at maths and computing. I am not very confident in geography but I still try my best and encourage others to try their best in subjects that they find tricky too. The most important thing that everyone should know about me, is that I am always here to help anyone who needs it! I am excited to help my school to make Oakridge an even better place for all children and adults to be.


I always demonstrate our RESPECT value and I am a great leader and role model to the younger children.

Hello! My name is Sofia and I am proud to say that I am the Head Girl at Oakridge School. I was honoured to have been awarded this job. I have lots of qualities that are perfect for this job: I am kind to everyone, no matter who they are; caring; enthusiastic and a great role model to others in the school


My favourite lessons are RE, maths, English and science. I would describe myself as honest, funny and sensible. My hobbies include playing sports. Oakridge has the best teachers and have helped me a lot during my time here. I will be sad to move to Secondary School in September.


I love school because you can dream big and make friends with lots of different people from different backgrounds and cultures. We even celebrate the different cultures in our school during our annual Globetrotters event.


I always demonstrate our KINDNESS value and this is why I think I was voted in for this role.

My name is Ibby, short for Ibrahim. I am the Deputy Head Boy at Oakridge School. I applied for this position because I believe that I was a perfect candidate for this role. Luckily, I was selected by my peers. I am a confident person who always tries their best to help others around me. I have attended Oakridge School since nursery and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and will be sad to leave at the end of year 6. I applied for the job because I wanted to improve everyone’s experience. Now let me tell you a little about myself. I enjoy maths, PE and computing. I have a real passion for sports and it is my dream to become a footballer when I am older!


I am a great role and I love to help people. I am kind, trustworthy, resilient, empathetic, self-aware, positive and I always demonstrate our PERSEVERANCE value as I always try my best.  I have excellent communication skills and I am a good team player. 


My name is Hafsa and I am a helpful member of year 6. I put my name down for this position because I believe I am respectful, responsible, punctual and an excellent listener. I enjoy helping younger children as I have a younger sibling too. I am also good at communicating with my peers and with adults in the school, especially if I think we can make things even better.


I always demonstrate our INTEGRITY value by encouraging others to do the right thing even when no one is watching. Outside of school, I enjoy playing sports and helping my family.









At Oakridge School, our school is led by our Head Boy, Head Girl and deputies, from Year 6. They are responsible for representing the school and serve as good role models for students. They are responsible for sharing pupil ideas with the school’s leadership team.



The Head Boy, Head Girl and deputies share a passion and commitment for Oakridge School. Some of their responsibilities include:

  • Running weekly reading clubs
  • Lead, with support, fundraisers
  • Support with Oakridge’s annual Globetrotters events
  • Organise hall for assemblies
  • Show visitors around the school
  • Support the leadership team in ensuring the school is a safe and engaging learning environment
  • Plan, prepare and deliver fun activities for children to play at break times
  • Lead school council meetings
  • Support the leadership with running some assemblies