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Oakridge School Logo

Oakridge School & Nursery

Working together to succeed

'Working together to succeed'

Special Educational Needs (SEND)

If you have any queries about SEND provision at Oakridge, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Mason, our SEND Coordinator, through the office email address:

Oakridge School supports pupils with Special Educational Needs in light of the new SEND Code of Practice which came into force in September 2014.  Our report has  been approved by the Governing Body and can be accessed below.


The Bucks County Council website  will also give you more detailed information :

The Oakridge Local Offer can also be found if you follow this link:


Free, impartial and Independent support is available from Bucks SEND IAS service who exist to support children and young people with SEND, and their families.

You can phone 01296 383754, email or go to the website


You can also look at our Special Needs Policy in the policy section of this website

SEN Information Report: Linked to the Local (Authority) Offer

Helping children focus and attend

Inclusion Unlimited

Inclusion Unlimited

Oakridge School Special Educational Needs Information Report

2021 - 2022

SEN Information Report: Linked to the Local (Authority) Offer

Oakridge School Special Educational Needs Information Report

2020 - 2021

SEN Information Report: Linked to Local Offer

Ordinarily Available Provision Bucks:

Guidance to support schools and education settings, clearly outlining their roles and responsibilities to students and young people in their care.
